Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 9 Adline Supplies este o companie reprezentativa in domeniul productiei publicitare, fiind furnizor principal atat pentru echipamente, materiale, sisteme de expunere, piese si scule, dar si solutii software complexe. Gama de produse Adline este una foarte vasta, acoperind toate nevoile unei afaceri in domeniu productiei publicitare. Compania ofera servicii si asistenta premium, asigurand o intelegere profunda a nevoilor clientilor, recomandand astfel cele mai bune configuratii pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor. ADLINE SOLUTIONS, GALAXY, HANMA, RUIJIE, FLORA, IFLOWS Adline Supplies is a representative company in the field of advertising production, being the main supplier for both equipment, materials, display systems, parts and tools, but also complex software solutions. The range of Adline products is very wide, covering all the needs of a business in the field of advertising production. The company offers premium services and assistance, ensuring a deep understanding of customer needs, thus recommending the best configurations for business development. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ADLINE SUPPLIES SRL Adresa: B-Dul Metalurgiei Nr. 99-99b Tel: 0728800532 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact