Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 79 Compania noastra a fost fondata in 2002 si se ocupa cu vanzarea de utilaje pentru industria textila atat noi cat si reconditionate. Yamatex comercializeaza in prezent peste 1.000 de utilaje , de la masini de cusut industriale , masini de brodat , masini de calcat & croit si accesorii. Avem cel mai mare stoc de masini de cusut din Romania cu peste 1.000 de utilaje in permanenta pe stoc. Suntem foarte flexibili in negocierea preturilor si de asemenea putem inchiria utilaje confectii pe anumite perioade de timp. Politica firmei noastre este aceea de a multumi fiecare client in parte indiferent de posibillitatile financiare. Yamatex inseamna servicii de calitate care insotesc si completeaza achizitiile pe care clientii le fac de la noi . Asiguram consultanta gratuita in vederea achizitionarii de utilaje pentru confectii si de asemenea, putem onora comenzi finantate prin fonduri nerambursabile prin programele START-UP ,MINIMIS , POSDRU etc. Pe toata perioada de implementare a proiectelor asiguram sercice pentru instalarea si punerea in functie a utilajelor si deasemenea asiguram service pe toata perioada de functionare a utilajelor achizitionate. Cu peste 20 de ani de experienta in domeniul industriei textile,peste 1.000 de utilaje in permanenta pe stoc si peste 10.000 de clienti multumiti ne asiguram ca planurile dumneavoastra devin afaceri de succes ! JUKI ,BROTHER , JACK , YUKI , DURKOPP , PFAFF , SIRUBA , MALKAN ,BATTISTELLA , ROTONDI , BAI , RICOMA ,DAYANG Our company was founded in 2002 and deals with the sale of machinery for the textile industry, both new and refurbished. Yamatex currently markets over 1,000 machines, from industrial sewing machines, embroidery machines, ironing & tailoring machines and accessories. We have the largest stock of sewing machines in Romania with over 1,000 machines permanently in stock. We are very flexible in negotiating prices and we can also rent ready-made machines for certain periods of time. Our policy is to please each individual customer regardless of financial possibilities. Yamatex means quality services that accompany and complement what is needed to take care of you from us. We provide free consultation for the purchase of equipment for clothing and we can also honor orders financed by non-refundable funds through the START-UP, MINIMIS, POSDRU, etc. programs. During the entire project implementation period, we provide service for the installation and commissioning of the machines and we also provide service during the entire period of operation of the purchased machines. With over 20 years of experience in the textile industry, over 1,000 machines permanently in stock and over 10,000 satisfied customers, we make sure that your plans become successful businesses! Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English YAMATEX SRL Adresa: Blejoi, str. Anghel Saligny, nr.25, Prahova Tel: 0724509925 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact