Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 77 Viofil Sign Systems si-a inceput activitatea in Romania in anul 2010. Inca de atunci am incercat sa mentinem interesul clientilor atat prin promovarea produselor noastre, cat si prin suportul tehnic pe care-l oferim acestora, astfel incat asamblarea casetelor sa se faca intr-un mod cat mai usor. Din gama noastra de produse fac parte urmatoarele: a.Profile din aluminiu : au marimi standard de 6m , sau pot fi debiate la cote. b.Accesorii si corpuri de iluminat : module led , surse de alimentare , banda led. c.Servicii de termoformare, dimensiuni maxime 3000 x 2000 mm. d.Casete KIT sau Asamblate. e.Accesorii profile. Profilele noastre de aluminiu sunt special create si proiectate pentru productia publicitara , si nu adaptate sau improvizate. Acest lucru ne diferentiaza de concurenta. Avand in vedere ca produsele comercializate de noi sunt produse realizate si personalizate sub specificatiile noastre,aceleasi servicii le oferim si noi la randul nostru clientilor. VIOFIL SIGN SYSTEMS Viofil Sign Systems began the activity in Romania in 2010. Even since we tried to maintain out customers interest by promoting our products and also by giving technical support for the assembly part to be more easy and efficient. We comercialize the following: a.Aluminium profiles: - standard dimmensions 6 m lenght (we sell them at their standard dimmension or cutted as the clients ask to be cutted). b.Iluminating accesories : led modules,power sources, led strip. c.Termoforming services. d.Lightboxes KIT or assembled. e.Profile accesories. Our aluminium profiles are especially created and projected for signs industry : our products are not adapted or improvised. This is the advantage of our presence on the romanian market. Regarding the fact that we produce and sell only products made under our specifications, the same we provide to our clients. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English VIOFIL SIGN SYSTEMS Adresa: Soseaua de Centura Nr 11 Tel: 0787380957 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact