Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 74 Total Media distribuie in Romania echipamente, consumabile si sisteme de display-uri profesionale. Echipamentele pe care le distribuim (Durst, Vanguard, Monti Antonio, Polyprint etc.) nu fac niciun fel de compromisuri in ceea ce priveste calitatea, productivitatea, costurile de productie si stabilitatea in timp - fiind recunoscute in piata ca cele mai performante si fiabile. In ceea ce priveste sistemele expozitionale Mark Bric (import Suedia), acestea sunt considerate deja etalon pentru ceea ce inseamna eleganta si durabilitatea. Echipamentele noastre acopera toata gama de aplicatii a unui atelier de productie: print cu cerneluri UV sau cerneluri water- based (pe materiale rigide sau in rola), print cu cerneluri pentru materiale textile (fie gata confectionate precum tricouri, sacose etc., fie materiale in rola), calandre si prese termice. Gama de consumabile pe care o oferim asigura nu doar calitate impecabila ci si costuri minime de productie. DURST, VANGUARD, POLYPRINT, MONTI ANTONIO, MARK BRIC, MUTOH Total Media distributes in Romania professional equipment, consumables and displays systems. The equipments that we distribute (Durst, Vanguard, Monti Antonio, Polyprint, etc.) do not make any compromises in terms of quality, productivity, production costs and stability over time - being recognized in the market as the most efficient and reliable. As for Mark Bric exhibition systems (imported from Sweden), they are already considered the benchmark for elegance and durability. Our equipment covers the whole range of applications of a production workshop: UV or water-based printing (on both rigid or roll materials), printing on textile materials (either ready-made such as T-shirts, bags etc. or roll materials), calenders and heat presses. The range of consumables we offer ensures not only excellent quality but also minimal production costs. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English TOTAL MEDIA PRINT SRL Adresa: Str. Sperantei nr. 1, Bragadiru, Ilfov Tel: 0752292563 Fax: E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Contact