Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 72 Brandul Unika este 100% romanesc si isi dedica toata atentia pentru toate categoriile de produse fabricate. Fiecare produs creat are povestea lui, din prima zi de conceptie pana la finalizarea acestuia. Suntem producator de produse din piele naturala, PU si piele naturala regenerata, prezent atat pe piata B2B, cat si pe cea B2C - pe cele mai mari marketplace-uri, precum amazon, emag, elefant. Brandul are game diverse: agende, promotionale, HORECA, cu subgamele aferente: din piele naturala, PU sau piele naturala regenerata. Suntem si ne dorim sa ramanem aproape de voi, asa cum reiese si din sloganul nostru “Keep it closer”. UNIKA Unika is a 100% Romanian brand and devotes all its attention to all categories of manufactured products. Each product created has its own story, from the first day of conception to its completion. We are a manufacturer of natural leather, PU and recycled genuine leather products, present both on the B2B and B2C markets - on the biggest marketplaces like Amazon, emag, elefant. The brand has various ranges: agendas, promotional, HORECA, with related sub-ranges: natural leather, PU or recycled genuine leather. We are and we want to stay close to you, as it appears from our slogan “Keep it closer”. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English TESKA GLOBAL PRODUCTION Adresa: PRELUNGIREA GHENCEA, NR. 238 Tel: 0727406794 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact