Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 71 StudioRIP SRL este autorul sistemului workflow StudioRIP (vandut printr-o retea internationala de distributie si folosita de catre mii de utilizatori), si producatorul sistemului inkjet CTP cu pretul cel mai accesibil de pe piata (EU3900 pentru un sistem nou A1 la cheie, constand in RIP, CTP, rama expunere, masina de developat), consumabile ieftine (placi conventionale UV cu strat absorbant de cerneala la 6,5-7,8 USD/mp), raster 175 lpi de calitate buna (greu de distins vizual fata de o placa facuta cu CTP laser) si viteza decenta (10 placi A3+ pe ora). Sistemul StudioRIP DTP se foloseste in zeci de tipografii din tara si sute de tipografii din lume, dovedind ca se poate face calitate buna la pret mic. StudioRIP DTP este solutia ideala pentru tipografiile mici: foloseste rasterul conventional 175 lpi pe placa conventionala UV cu care tipografii sunt obisnuiti, placa este printre cele mai ieftine pe piata, sistemul este mic, simplu si fiabil, iar diferenta de calitate fata de un sistem laser este nesemnificativ. Totodata, sistemul poate produce proba de tipar de inalta acuratete, filme tipografice pentru serigrafie si flexografie, sau se poate folosi ca imprimanta de uz general (afise, lucrari de tiraj mic). Va asteptam la stand cu demonstratie live si mostre. STUDIORIP StudioRIP SRL is the developer and copyright holder of the popular StudioRIP pre-press workflow that is sold through an international distribution chain, with thousands of installations worldwide, as well as the manufacturer of the StudioRIP DTP inkjet CTP solution which offers low cost solutions for small print houses for almost a decade (3900 EUR for a fully functional A1 system including RIP, CTP, UV exposer, automatic plate processor unit), low cost consumables (conventional UV plates with extra inkjet coating for 5-6 EUR/sqm) paired with good quality halftones of 175 lpi (difficult to distinguish visually from laser CTP plates) and decent speed (10 A3+ plates/hour). While inkjet CTPs gained a bad reputation due to quality issues, StudioRIP has demonstrated that the last generation Epson printers with well optimized software and good plates can achieve commercial quality color prints on 175 lpi. StudioRIP DTP is the ideal solution for small commercial printers: it uses the same conventional 175 lpi halftones on the same conventional plates that most press operators are used with, the plate cost is in the cheapest range, the system is small, simple and reliable, and at the same time there is no significant quality difference compared to a laser CTP. In addition, the system can be used as contract proofer, flexo/screen filmsetter and generic use wide format printer. You are welcome to our stand for live demonstration and samples. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English STUDIORIP SRL Adresa: 407299 Vistea nr. 313, jud. Cluj Tel: 0722 998 542 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact