Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 70 Stil Media activeaza pe piata de promotionale si publicitate inca din anul 1998, avand un vast portofoliu de produse si servicii: etichete cu rasina (dispunem de capacitate mare de productie si preturi competitive), brelocuri, cocarde, insigne, pin-uri standard sau custom cu rasina, ecusoane, odorizante, suporti pahare, magneti, sticky cleanere, mouse pad-uri optice sau de sublimare, diverse produse de sublimare (lanyard-uri, esarfe, genti, penare), steaguri standard sau tip vela, fanioane, cupe, medalii, trofee de acryl, sticla sau metal, agende, calendare, notesuri, etichete metalice, sisteme de afisare, bannere, litere volumetrice, servicii de personalizare (print UV, gravura laser, print &cut, print eco solvent, sublimare, transfer termic, DTF, etc). Importator si distribuitor de produse promotionale la preturi competitve. Dispunem de stocuri interne permanente pentru produsele esentiale si oferim servicii de personalizare complete pentru acestea, atuul nostru fiind timpul scurt de livrare. GAMAX, ROLY, STAMINA, VIVA PENS, UNILITE, COOL, MORE THAN GIFTS, HIIDEA Stil Media has been active on the promotion and advertising market since 1998, having a vast portfolio of products and services: doming labels (we have a large production capacity at competitive prices), key chains, ribbons rosettes, badges, standard or custom pins with doming badges, air fresheners, coasters, magnets, sticky cleaners, optical or sublimation mouse pads, various sublimation products (lanyards, scarfs, bags, pencil boxes) standard or sail-type flags, pennants, cups, medals, acrylic, glass or metal trophies, diaries, calendars, notebooks, metal labels, display systems, banners, volumetric letters, imprint services (UV print, laser engraving, print & cut, eco-solvent print, sublimation, thermal transfer, DTF, etc.). Importer and distributor of promotional products at competitive prices. We have permanent internal stocks for the essential products and we offer full customization services for them, our advantage being the short delivery time. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English STIL MEDIA SRL Adresa: GHERCESTI - DOLJ, STR. AVIATORILOR NR. 10 Tel: 0723211018 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact