Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 69 Firma WEDAS si-a inceput activitatea in anul 2003. Firma noastra pune la dispozitie o gama variata de produse promotionale potrivite pentru orice eveniment si orice buget alocat campaniilor de promovare. Detinem cel mai mare stoc din tara. Personalizam orice obiect comercializat de firma noastra cu ajutorul celor mai moderne echipamente tehnologice,in atelierul propriu. Cu aceasta ocazie va invitam sa vizitati standul nostru, unde veti avea ocazia sa aflati raspunsuri la intrebarile legate de produsele si serviciile noastre. Aflati mai multe despre compania noastra la Gifts Show 2022! FRUIT OF THE LOOM, B&C COLLECTION, SOL`S, ROLY, RUSSEL, GILDAN, SCHNEIDER, WATERMAN PARIS, MARKSMAN, ROTRING, PARKER, CHARLES DICKENS, ANDRE PHILIPPE, WENGER, CASE LOGIC, ETC. Our company has established since 2003 and we are specialized in manufacturing and trading all kind of promotional products. Our company continuously strives to set a new standard of excellence for the promotional product marketplace. We offer complete printing solutions and we supply a wide range of promotional products including pens, t-shirts, corporate gifts, mugs, outdoor items and many more. Whether your company is large or small, our team of creative experts is here to help you develop the best marketing solution. This means you will find the perfect promotional products to fit your company’s advertising needs. During the exhibition our company representatives will present our products and services. On this occasion, we invite you to visit our stand and we will be glad to answer any of your questions. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English SOLUTII IN AFACERI WEDAS Adresa: 400285 Cluj Napoca, Taietura Turcului 47/14N Tel: +40 (0)264 432 332 Fax: E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Contact