Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 68 In calitate de actor esential in distributia de folii pentru ferestre, precum si de mobilier si folii decorative pentru pereti in Europa, Solar Screen aprovizioneaza cu succes, de peste 35 de ani, o retea de peste 5.000 de parteneri. Solar Screen a reusit prin excelenta in ceea ce priveste serviciul, expertiza produselor si inovatia acestora, sa isi creeze ADN-ul sau propriu. Cover Styl’ este o marca Solar Screen in expansiune de folii arhitecturale de interior. Oferind o modalitate usoara de reciclare si modernizare a suprafetelor, foliile de interior Cover Styl’ sunt rezistente si durabile pentru acoperirea suprafetelor existente (pereti, usi si mobilier) si au o durata de viata de pana la 10 ani pentru aplicarea in interior. Datorita optiunilor extraordinare de finisaje de inalta calitate si a preturilor competitive, acestea constituie o alegere excelenta pentru proiectele Dumneavoastra de design interior. Peste 470 de referinte va permit sa va personalizati interiorul uimitor, atat vizual, cat si la atingere. Spre deosebire de renovarea traditionala, foliile adezive Cover Styl’ pot economisi intre 50 si 70% din bugetul Dumneavoastra, iar montajul nu necesita intreruperea afacerii Dumneavoastra. Deasemenea de mentionat este faptul ca aceste folii decorative sunt rezistente la impact, UV, pete, mucegai, murdarie si apa. SOLAR SCREEN ŞI COVER STYL’ As a key player in the distribution of window films and furniture and wall coverings in Europe, Solar Screen proudly supplies a network of over 5,000 collaborators and has done so for over 35 years. Solar Screen has made service excellence, product expertise and innovation its DNA. Cover Styl’ is a growing Solar Screen brand of Interior Architectural Films. Offering an easy way to upcycle and refresh surfaces, Cover Styl’ interior films are strong and durable for wrapping existing surfaces (Wall, Doors, and Furniture) and have a lifespan of up to 10 years for interior applications. The incredible choice of high-end finishes and competitive pricing make them an excellent option for your interior design projects. Over 470 references allow you to customize your interior with stunning realism both visually and to the touch. Unlike traditional renovation, Cover Styl’ adhesive films can save between 50 and 70% of your budget and installation doesn’t require you to interrupt your business. Not to mention that these coverings can withstand impact, UV, staining, mold, dirt and water. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English SOLAR SCREEN INTERNATIONAL S.A. Adresa: 18 RUE DU COMMERCE Tel: +40 376 300 199 Fax: E-mail:
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