Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 67 SmarSoft Electronic este prezenta din anul 2006 pe piata de productie publicitara din Romania si a devenit treptat un partener de incredere pentru mii de clienti. Din anul 2014 ne-am extins si pe piata europeana, unde am dezvoltat colaborari de succes de-a lungul timpului. Portofoliul SmarSoft include urmatoarele tipuri de produse: - cruci farmacie - reclame luminoase led - afisaje led pentru totemuri benzinarii - ceasuri stradale - afisaje electronice diverse dimensiuni - ecrane led de diverse dimensiuni - numaratoare electronice - afisaje led pentru mediu industrial In realizatea acestora folosim componente de cea mai buna calitate si din acest motiv acordam 4 ani garantie pentru produsele noastre. Utilizam LED-uri OSRAM, BROADCOM (AVAGO) sau CREE, iar componentele electronice sunt selectate din gama industriala (-40 grade C….. + 85 grade C). Produsele noastre sunt adresate mediului extern sau industrial. In portofoliul companiei SmarSoft Electronic figureaza clienţi precum: EATON, COCA COLA, LAFARGE, Farmaciile CATENA, Farmaciile DONA, Farmaciile HELPNET, Farmaciile Belladonna, URSUS, HOLCIM, HIDROCONSTRUCTIA, ROMLUX, COFICAB EASTERN EUROPE, AUTOLIV, Societatea Romană de Oncologie Chirurgicală din Cluj Napoca, TMK ARTROM, YAZAKI, SINIAT, SAINT - GOBAIN etc SMARSOFT TEHNOLOGIE LED PREMIUM SmarSoft Electronic has been present on the Romanian advertising production market since 2006 and it has gradually become a reliable partner for thousands of clients. Starting from 2014, we have also extended our activity on the European market, where we have developed successful collaborations over time. SmarSoft portfolio includes the following types of products: - Pharmacy crosses - LED commercial lightboxes - LED displays for gas station totems - Street clocks - LED screens with various dimensions - Electronic counters - LED displays for the industrial environment The technology that we use in order to develop our products implies best quality components and it is for this reason that we offer a 4 year warranty for our products. We use OSRAM, BROADCOM (AVAGO) or CREE LEDs and the electronic components are selected from the industrial range (-40 degrees Celsius ….. + 85 degrees Celsius). Therefore, our products are designed for the external or industrial environment. SmarSoft company portfolio includes clients like EATON, COCA COLA, LAFARGE, CATENA Pharmacies, DONA Pharmacies, HELPNET Pharmacies, Belladonna Pharmacies, URSUS, HOLCIM, HIDROCONSTRUCTIA, ROMLUX, COFICAB EASTERN EUROPE, AUTOLIV, Cluj Napoca Societatea Romană de Oncologie Chirurgicală din Cluj Napoca (Cluj Napoca Romanian Society of Surgical Oncology), TMK ARTROM, YAZAKI, SINIAT, SAINT – GOBAIN, and so on). Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English SMARSOFT ELECTRONIC SRL Adresa: Bdul de Centura nr 17 Calafat Dolj Tel: 0722601752 Fax: E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Contact