Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 64 Cu o experienta de peste 18 ani in printul digital direct pe textile, Rofobit srl executa print digital pe textile pana la latime de 330cm,direct pe textile polyester 100%, pe imprimante de latime de 330cm.Realizam: -Steaguri personalizate printate digital, de orice forma si marime -Steaguri beachflags -Sisteme Wave 3D cu Textile,printuri pentru desk,roll-up -SEG textile cu keder pentru casete aluminiu -Printuri textile pentru amenajari magazine,home&deco -Bannere textile cu aluminiu sau lemn -Decoruri textile Toate produsele sunt imprimate si finisate in cadrul firmei noastre, avand o capacitate mare de print si un control precis al calitatii si al termenelor de livrare, color management pentru toate imprimantele si materialele textile folosite,iar pentru finisare avem in dotare un cutter roll de 320cm latime, cu taiere Laser si taiere pe contur a rolelor textile printate, precum si coaserea automata a kederului pvc cu masina de cusut cu patura. Having 18 years of experience in direct printing on textiles, Rofobit srl ‘s main activity is digital direct printing on textiles up to 330 cm width, polyester textiles on large printers of 330cm width We are producing: -digitally printed custom made flags, of any size and shape -beachflags -textile covers for aluminium 3D systems, desk prints, roll-up -textile prints with pvc keder for aluminium SEG cassette -textile prints for shop furnishings, home&deco -textile banners with wooden or aluminium -textile decorations All products are printed and finished within our company, as we have a large printing capacity and a precise control of quality and delivery terms,colour management profiles for all our printers and textiles used, as for finishing we have a cutter roll of 320 cm width, with Laser and contour cutting of the printed rolls, as well as authomatic sewing for pvc keder on band sewing machine. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ROFOBIT SRL Adresa: SOS. ALEXANDRIEI NR. 232. BRAGADIRU, ILFOV Tel: +40 371 192 400 Fax: +40 21 423 1141 E-mail:
[email protected] Web: Contact