Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 59 Print Service este de 20 ani pe piata romaneasca. Am inceput cu echipamente si consumabile pentru industria publicitara iar in ultima perioada ne-am extins si cu echipamente si consumabile pentru industria textila si de produse promotionale. Pentru echipamentele si consumabilele comercializate asiguram si know-howul si suportul tehnic pentru clienti, pentru ca acestia sa poata produce lipsiti de probleme. Suntem importator directi / distribuitori pentru toate produsele comercializate, astfel clientii nostri pot avea increderea unui pret corect si suportul corespunzator al producatorului. Produsele noastre organizate pe furnizori / prodcatori ar fi: - Karya Trujet - sisteme DTF pentru imprimare pe cele mai variate materiale, imprimante sublimare industriale cu viteze cuprinse intre 150 - 750 mp / ora - Yaselan - specialist in imprimante UV flatbed, inclusiv cu sistem de recunoastere a formelor cu inteligenta artificiala - Allwin - imprimante solvent, UV roll-to-roll si flatbed si sisteme DTF - Fieldcenter si Gromfast - capsatoare automate si capsele aferente - Jetbest - producator mare si renumit de cerneala eco solvent, UV si DTF - Kao Chimigraf - producator japonez / spaniol de cerneala solvent si UV KARYA TRUJET, YASELAN, ALLWIN, FIELDCENTER, GROMFAST, JETBEST, KAO CHIMIGRAF Print Service has been on the Romanian market for 20 years. We started with equipment and consumables for the advertising industry and recently we expanded with equipment and consumables for the textile industry and promotional products. For the equipment and consumables sold, we also provide know- how and technical support for customers, so that they can produce without problems. We are direct importers / distributors for all the products sold, so our customers can trust a fair price and the appropriate support of the manufacturer. Our products organized by suppliers / producers would be: - Karya Trujet - DTF systems for printing on the most varied materials, industrial sublimation printers with speeds between 150 - 750 m2 / hour - Yaselan - specialized in UV flatbed printers, including with artificial intelligence shape recognition systems - Allwin - solvent, UV roll-to-roll and flatbed printers and DTF systems - Fieldcenter and Gromfast - automatic grommet machines and related grommets - Jetbest - large and famous manufacturer of eco solvent, UV and DTF ink - Kao Chimigraf - Japanese / Spanish solvent and UV ink manufacturer Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English PRINT SERVICE COMPANY SRL Adresa: Livezilor 43, 300600 Timisoara, Romania Tel: 0757022070 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact