Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 58 Descopera BUCURIA CULORII cu PIN PLUS PIN SRL. Esti interesat de MATERIALE pentru Semnalistica, Decoratiuni Interioare, Car Wrapping, Personalizari Textile, etc? AVEM SOLUTII! Ai nevoie de ECHIPAMENTE cu care sa dai viata ideilor? AVEM SOLUTII! Suntem IMPORTATORI: Materiale, Echipamente, Consumabile si Accesorii - industria de sign/Comunicari Vizuale... de peste 30 ani. Principalele MATERIALE distribuite: folii autoadezive, folii car wrap, folii reflectorizante, folii decorative pentru design interior, folii termotransfer, folii magnetice, benzi dublu adezive. Cele mai reprezentative ECHIPAMENTE sunt: imprimante latex, imprimante UV, cutting plottere, laminatoare, echipamente de taiere si gravare laser - cu sursa CO2 si fiber, routtere CNC. Avem pe stoc peste 250 de tipuri de accesorii pentru colari... care iti cresc productivitatea, te asista prietenos in criza de personal! Daca ne-a scapat ceva - important pentru Tine - semnaleaza-ne! CU PRIETENIE - MEREU IMPREUNA ORAFOL, STAHLS, HP, SUMMA, GCC, DOCAN, YELLOTOOLS, SOLAR SCREEN, BAKKER MAGNETICS, HAVERKAMP ENJOY THE COLOR with PIN PLUS PIN SRL. Are you interested in materials for signmaking, interior decor, car wrapping, thermotranfer films for textiles? WE HAVE SOLUTIONS! Do you need machines to bring your ideas to life? WE HAVE SOLUTIONS! We import: materials, machines, consumbables and accessories for the sign and visual communication for more than 30 years. The main materials we distribute are: self adhesive films, car wrapping films, reflective films, decorative films for interior design, thermotransfer films, magnetic films, doublesided adhesive tapes. The most important machines in our range are: latex printers, UV printers - roll2roll and flatbed, cutting plotters, laminators, laser cutting and engraving machines, CNC routters. We have in stock more than 250 different types of tools and accessories to increase your productivity. If we missed anything important to you - please let us know! Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English PIN PLUS PIN SRL Adresa: Str. Calea Rahovei nr. 266-268, corp 5, parter, Bucuresti Tel: 021.423.44.33 Fax: 021.423.44.11 E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact