Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 57 Compania S.C. Partybox RO S.R.L. se ocupa cu productia si comercializarea produselor de identificare pentru diferite evenimente. Printre produsele comercializate se gasesc urmatoarele : bratari de acces in cluburi, la stranduri, in hoteluri, bratari din material textil la festivaluiri, lanyarduri textile personalizate pentru ecusoane, bratari din silicon pentru campanii, reclame, tricouri, brelocuri textile, insigne, baloane, cani. Toate produsele pot fi personalizate la cererea clientilor. Exista mai multe tipuri de bratari, astfel in functie de evenimentul organizat putem oferi clientului nostru de ceea ce are nevoie. Compania noastra este caracterizata prin promptitudine, calitate si respect fata de clienti. Pagina noastra de web este : Numar de telefon: 0733935400 Numar de telefon: +40733935400 LANYARD-URI EÓTEXTILE PERSONALIZATE, BRATARI DE ACCES, BRELOCURI, BALOANE, TRICOURI The S.C. PARTYBOX RO S.R.L. distributes the best quality wristbands. Thanks to our products outstanding quality and our continuous developments, the number of our satisfied customers are growing year by year. We are very proud of not deal with cheap far eastern products. In our wide range of wristbands we are sure you will find the most suitable for you, you can make your event more secure and you can easily check groups and individuals and the areas they are authorized to. Even if the wristbands are our most popular products, there are other products that should be mentioned, like the lanyards for pass holder, silicone wristbands, personalized T-shirts, balloons. Every product can be personalized according to our clients’ requests. The company is characterized by promptitude, quality, and respect for its clients. Our webpage is: Phone number: +40733935400 Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English PARTYBOX RO SRL Adresa: STR. BUDIULUI NR. 68 TARGU MURES 540390 Tel: 0733935400 Fax: E-mail: [email protected] Web: Contact