Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022
PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 54 P10LED este furnizor de servicii integrate pentru industria afisajelor cu LED, oferind clientilor, in principal, solutii la cheie pentru aplicatiile care utilizeaza afisaje cu LED, incluzand: proiectare, prototipare, dezvoltare, productie, asamblare si suport tehnic. P10LED produce o gama completa de afisaje cu LED: sisteme de afisaj LED industriale, ecrane led programabile, afisaje programabile de exterior monocolor si full color, sisteme de afisaj preturi statii carburanti, cruci pentru farmacii, solutii custom cu afisaje LED, etc. Cu o buna calitate, un pret rezonabil si un serviciu post-vanzare adaptat nevoilor clientului, P10LED a obtinut recunoasterea unei bune reputatii de la clientii nostri. DISPOZITIVE SI SOLUTII LED INOVATIVE PENTRU INDUSTRIA DE PUBLICITATE! P10LED P10LED is an integrated service provider in the LED display industry, offering mainly turnkey solutions to customers on LED display applications, including: design, prototyping, development, production, assembly and technical support. P10LED produces a full range of LED display, including industrial display systems, outdoor single and full color LED display series, gas station LED signs, LED pharmacy cross display series, custom LED display solutions, etc. With a good quality, reasonable price and an after-sale service adapted to the client needs, P10LED has obtained recognition of high reputation from our customers. INNOVATIVE LED DISPLAYS AND SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLICITY INDUSTRY! Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English NO BRAND EXPRESS TEAM SRL Adresa: BDUL. BASARABIA NR. 256, SECTOR 3, BUCURESTI Tel: 0723305211 Fax: E-mail:
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