Catalog PRINT&SIGN 2022

PRINT&SIGN - Catalog Oficial 19 Societatea ARHI DESIGN a fost infiintata in anul 1992 si are ca domeniu de activitate “Productia si Distributia” unui vast sortiment de produse de papetarie si birotica. Firma face parte dintr-un grup de firme a carui cifra de afaceri depaseste 16 milioane EURO. ARHI DESIGN comercializeaza peste 300 de articole de papetarie produse in fabrica proprie. Alte 1000 articole de birotica, importate direct de la producatori de renume, sunt mereu la dispozitia clientilor. In portofoliul societatii exista peste 600 de clienti stabili, printre care se numara si marile retele Cash & Carry, de supermarket-uri si hipermarket-uri din Romania, precum: Metro Cash & Carry, Selgros, Romania Hypermarche, Auchan, Kaufland, Dedeman, Real Hyper Magazine, Rewe Romania si Centrele de Librarii zonale din intreaga tara. Activitatea firmei ARHI DESIGN se desfasoara intr-o structura industriala impresionanta, dintre care 2.000 mp au ca destinatie exclusiva productia de articole de papetarie, pentru care se foloseste tehnologie moderna si cele mai performante echipamente. Pentru buna desfasurare a activitatilor, peste 100 de persoane sunt implicate in management, productie, distributie si marketing. In toti acesti ani de activitate, ARHI DESIGN a dezvoltat relatii comerciale cu parteneri din Germania, Italia, Grecia,Turcia, India, China, Ucraina, Rusia, atat in ce priveste importul de articole de papetarie si birotica, cat si in ce priveste importul de materii prime necesare activitatii de productie. DIAMOND LINE, TAFF, LUNA, YALONG, CREATIV WRITING, ARHI DESIGN The company ARHI DESIGN was founded in 1992 and its field of activity “production and distribution” of a wide range of stationery and office products. The company is part of a group of companies whose turnover exceeds EUR 16 million. ARHI DESIGN sells over 300 stationery products in its factory. Other 1000 items of equipment, imported directly from leading manufacturers, are always available to clients. The company’s portfolio there are over 600 clients establish, among which the major networks and Cash & Carry, supermarkets and hypermarkets in Romania, such as: Metro Cash & Carry, Selgros Cash & Carry, Romania Hypermarche, Auchan, Kaufland, Dedeman, Real Hyper Magazine, Rewe Romania and Libraries regional centers across the country. ARHI DESIGN activities are carried out in an impressive industrial structure, of which 2,000 square meters production have exclusive destination for stationery, for using modern technology and the best equipment. For the smooth running of activities, over 100 people are involved in management, production, distribution and marketing.In all these years, ARHI DESIGN has developed commercial relationships with partners in Germany, Italy, Greece, Turkey, India, China, Ukraine and Russia, both regarding the import of stationery and office supplies, as well as the import of raw materials for production activity. Romana Brand-uri reprezentate / Represented brands English ARHI DESIGN Adresa: MALU MARE, STRADA CARACAL, NR 254, DOLJ Tel: 0736 20 30 66 Fax: 0251439471 E-mail: Web: Contact